

Longines World Racing Awards Ceremony Goes Digital

14. Januar 2021

The 2020 Longines World Racing Awards ceremony will be held virtually on Tuesday, 26 January 2021. The event, which is organised by the Swiss watch brand Longines and the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), represents the epitome of horseracing. In this eighth edition, the ceremony will celebrate the Longines World’s Best Racehorse, the Longines World’s Best Horse Race and – new to this particular event - the Longines World’s Best Jockey of the 2020 season.

The ceremony will be released on multiple digital platforms including the social media accounts from Longines and the IFHA.

“We are glad to celebrate once again the Best of the Best in horseracing,” commented Longines Vice President Marketing, Matthieu Baumgartner. “With this first digital edition, we encourage racing fans from all over the world to interact and post their contents using the hashtag #LonginesWorldRacingAwards.”

“We hope everyone will enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments this virtual ceremony allows us to present,” said IFHA Chairman Louis Romanet. “We are looking forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our honourees in this interactive format."

The ceremony will honour the highest-rated horses in the Longines World’s Best Racehorse Rankings as well as the Longines World’s Best Horse Race. The Longines World’s Best Racehorse Rankings are established by international handicappers according to the performance of the horses in top races. The highest rated race is determined by averaging the rankings of the first four placed horses. Additionally, the 2020 Longines World’s Best Jockey, Frankie Dettori, will be honoured at this time.

The full list and further information on the Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings are both available on the IFHA website http://www.ifhaonline.org.

Text: IFHA

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